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Print ISSN 1598-060X|Online ISSN 2734-0090

언어재활사의 청각장애아동 중재 경험과 요구 Experience and Demand of Speech Language Pathologists on the Language Intervention for Children with Deaf or Hard of Hearing
고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동과 비장애 아동의 발화-수반 제스처 특성 비교 Characteristics of Co-speech Gestures in School-aged Children with and without High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
양육자 코칭-가정 기반 긍정적 행동 지원(PBS) 프로그램에 참여한 장애 유아 양육자의 인식에 관한 질적 연구 A Qualitative Study on the Perceptions of Caregivers of Children with Disabilities Who Participated in a Caregiver Coaching-Home based Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Program
행동기술훈련이 발달장애아동 부모의 순응지도 수행정확도에 미치는 효과 The Effect of Behavioral Skills Training on the Performance Accuracy of Guided Compliance Implementation for Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities
특수교육 지원인력의 통합교육 지원 관련 자질과 직무역량에 대한 통합학급 교사, 특수교사, 학부모, 특수교육 지원인력의 인식 Perceptions of Inclusive Classroom Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Parents, and Special Education Paraprofessionals of the Necessary Traits and Job Competencies Related to Inclusive Education Support that are Required of Special Education Paraprofessionals
어휘발달지연 아동의 이야기글 쓰기 능력 The Narrative Writing in Children with Vocabulary Delay
장애인 평생교육기관 실무자의 중도중복장애인 평생교육 프로그램에 대한 경험 및 개선방안 탐색 Experience of Practitioners of Lifelong Education Institutions on the Lifelong Education Program for People with Severe and Multiple Disabilities and Exploring the Improvement Plan
자폐성장애 초등학생의 통합교육에 대한 어머니의 관점 Mother’s Perspective on Inclusive Education for Elementary School Students with Autism