
Print ISSN 1598-060X|Online ISSN 2734-0090

The Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice (JSETP) is an official Journal written in Korean and/or English. JSETP accepts five types of manuscripts on original research from scholars, researchers, teachers, practitioners, and policy makers in special education and related fields. We look forward to your submission.
[ Types of Manuscripts ]
Original Article: An original article must be a distinctive contribution to the field. It must be based on data derived from problem-oriented research. The results from the analysis of such data must be substantial, and the theoretical discussion significant.
Brief Note: A brief note provides valuable knowledge for this field of research or practice.
Review: A review should summarize publications so as to explicate major developments within a research area. Review articles that include studies done in Japan are especially welcomed.
Current Topic: A current topic is a short report that focuses on a specific current issue and provides a new direction in the investigation of that issue. Articles on current topics are invited by the Editorial Board or submitted by members.
Practical Research: Practical research reports research carried out in educational, social service, or medical service settings.
[ Editorial Procedures ]
JSETP is a refereed journal. The Editorial Board makes the final selection of manuscripts for publication. Manuscripts are generally not returned to authors, but may be returned for revision. To protect the anonymity of the author during review, only the title of the article should appear on the manuscript. On a separate cover page, provide the type of article, the title of the manuscript, and the author’s name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. If there is more than one author, the author responsible for correspondence with JSETP should be indicated.
[ Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation ]
1. The manuscript must be written in Korean and/or English. On a separate page, submit a 100-175 word abstract in English, 3-5 key words in English listed in order of importance, and a running head (short title) of not more than 50 characters (including spaces).
2. The author's name and affiliation must appear only on the title page; any material in the text that identifies the author must be deleted.
3. All articles are at most 10 printed pages. A printed page is approximately 700 words. The total number of pages includes the title page, abstract, references, figures, tables, and line drawings.
4. All manuscripts must be double-spaced. Type size must be at least 12 point, with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. Use A4 (210x297 mm) or letter (81/2x11 inches)-size bond paper.
5. Each table and figure should be on a separate sheet; number the tables and figures with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Their location in the text must be clearly indicated.
6. Line drawings should be printed by a good quality laser printer or professionally drawn using dark black ink. Drawings should be twice the printed size in the journal.
7. List all footnotes on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
8. The SI system should be used for units of measurement.
9. Before being submitted, the manuscript should be checked by a native English speaker who is familiar with the research.
10. Manuscripts must be in American spelling and usage.
[ Format of References in Manuscript ]
Common format: All references to monographs, articles, and statistical sources are to be identified at the appropriate point in the text by last name of author, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate, all within parentheses. References should be listed alphabetically by author's last name, both in parentheses in the text and in the reference list at the end of the article. Journal titles should be spelled out in full.
Book: Baron-Cohen, S. (1995) Mindblindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Edited Book: Schopler, E., Van Bourgondien, M. E., & Bristol, M. M. (Eds.) (1993) Preschool issues in autism. Plenum Press, New York.
Chapter in Edited Book: McClannahan, L. E. & Krantz, P. J. (1997) In search of solutions to prompt dependence: Teaching children with autism to use photographic activity schedules. In D. M. Baer & E. M. Pinkston (Eds.), Environment and behavior. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 271–278.
Journal Article: Shute, B. & Wheldall, K. (1989) Pitch alterations in British motherese: Some preliminary acoustic data. Journal of Child Language, 16, 503–512.
Unpublished Work: Wilney, D. E. (1989) Interpersonal analysis of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese women. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
Government report: National Institute of Mental Health (1990) Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM90- 1679). U.S. Government Printing Offi ce, Washington, D.C.
Article originally published in Korean: Kim, H. & Park, T. (2010) Understanding and management of UDL in inclusive setting. Journal of Special Education, 20, 132–147. (in Korean)
[ Reprints ]
Ten reprints will be sent free of charge to the corresponding author who is a member of JSETP after publication of the journal. Extra reprints may be ordered using the form supplied with proofs.
[ Costs charged to Authors ]
Corrections: The cost of author's alterations to proofs or production of the artwork shall be charged to the author.
Redrawing of line drawings or diagrams: If the artwork supplied is unacceptable for publication, the cost of redrawing and/or relabeling the artwork will be charged to the author. Research Institute of the Korea Special Education (RIKSE) will invoice authors for any charges.
Information for Authors